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不限 $9-$12 报名费

Events Description

Perfect Little Planet: Planetarium Show

Imagine the ultimate space vacation! Discover our solar system through a new set of eyes – a family from another star system seeking the perfect vacation spot. Fly over the surface of Pluto, our best known Dwarf Planet. Dive over the ice cliffs of Miranda. Sail through the rings of Saturn. Feel the lightning storms of Jupiter. And walk on the surface of Mars. Which destination would you choose?

This 35-minute show is designed for families with children, and includes an introduction to the current night sky.

Manitoba Skies: Planetarium Show

Take a guided tour of Manitoba’s summer sky.

This live show, presented by our planetarium staff, highlights the constellations, planets, and celestial events that you can see on summer evenings, and answer your space questions.

MARS: 1001 Planetarium Show

A journey through space and time, Mars: One Thousand One is a fictional account of the IRIS 1 first manned mission to Mars. Enjoy a front-row seat as you experience an unprecedented 1,001-day expedition, encountering the challenges and adventure of space travel. After spending nearly seven months navigating to Mars, the crew successfully lands and conducts a number of experiments to learn if life on Mars is a possibility before splashing down and welcomed home by an elated planet Earth.

Join us to experience this visual spectacle, going inside the spaceship as it traverses the universe. Witness the effects of artificial gravity on the crew and even dodge a solar storm that threatens the expedition’s trek towards Mars.


Tickets: Everyone Pays the Youth Price until September 5
Museum Galleries $9 • Planetarium $7 • Explore Both for $12

How to get tickets?

Buy Online


Date & Time:

Perfect Little Planet: Planetarium Show | Saturday – Sunday, November 2021 | 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM

Manitoba Skies: Planetarium Show | Saturday – Sunday, November 2021 | 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM

MARS: 1001 Planetarium Show | Saturday – Sunday, November 2021 | 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM CDT

Venue: The Manitoba Museum – Planetarium, Rupert Avenue, Winnipeg

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